I am a Professor of Economics at the University of Burgos (Spain). My main area of expertise is evolutionary game
theory and the analysis of complex systems.
e-mail: lrizquierdo @ ubu . es
Research Interests
Learning and Evolutionary Game Theory, Social dilemmas, Complex systems modelling, Philosophy of modelling and the use of models, networks, complexity ...

Agent-Based Evolutionary Game Dynamics
Izquierdo, L.R., Izquierdo, S.S. & Sandholm, W.H. (2024)
University of Wisconsin Pressbooks.
This book is a guide to implement and analyze Agent-Based Models within the framework of Evolutionary Game Theory, using NetLogo.
Available for free at:
I am available to give courses based on this book. If you are interested, feel free to contact me.
Selected Papers
A simple and efficient method to allocate costs and benefits in energy communities
Gonzalez-Asenjo, D., Izquierdo, L.R. & Sedano, J. (2023). Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management, vol. 16(2), pp. 398-424. DOI: 10.3926/jiem.5514
[Download at publishers's site]
Social simulation models as refuting machines
Mauhe, N., Izquierdo, L.R. & Izquierdo, S.S. (2023). Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation 26(2)8.
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Fast and Scalable Global Convergence in Single-Optimum Decentralized Coordination Problems
Izquierdo, L.R. & Izquierdo, S.S. & Rodríguez, J. (2022). IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, vol. 9, issue 4, pp. 1937-1948.
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[Agent-based model nBEPA1 in SOC games] | [Agent-based model nBEPA1 in SOC games played in networks]
An Introduction to ABED: Agent-Based Simulation of Evolutionary Game Dynamics
Izquierdo, L.R., Izquierdo, S.S. & Sandholm, W.H. (2019). Games and Economic Behavior, 118, pp. 434-462.
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EvoDyn-3s: A Mathematica Computable Document to Analyze Evolutionary Dynamics in 3-Strategy
Izquierdo, L.R., Izquierdo, S.S. & Sandholm, W.H. (2018). SoftwareX, 7, pp. 226-233.
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